Snakes and Ladders

Under Water Theme

deation and Concept development for the game, this game application will be a part of Surface table installation which could replace the existing table in the lounge areas of biggest coffee chain in India.Concept for several games to be a part of the application.

Client :
Cafe Coffee day

Category :

The Challenge

Design a Microsoft Surface touch table application that could replace the existing table in the lounge areas of the biggest coffee chain in India.


Interaction Designer/Visual Designer






After successfully developing and deploying the initial version of Snakes and ladder, we came up with the idea of an underwater theme for the game, which was a proposal and one that was well received by the client.

Ideation and Concept development for a touch table application that could replace the existing table in the lounge areas of the biggest coffee chain in India. Concept for several games to be incorporated into the application. I established a new visual language, an extensive library of user interface elements, and designed over 25 individual pages, working closely with the client, through a collaborative review process. The primary objective was to attract and encourage customers to play the game and interact with the Application while they awaited delivery of their order.

We began with ideation, wireframes, base components, and styles. There were several waves of wires, pages, components, and visual design for the entire experience.